Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Grass is always greener on the other side

Dear Lucifer,

It's too bad we were never able to truly open up.
What a waste, the attraction between us was amazing, wasn't it?
You've even made out with me after I had a mouth full of stitches.
It could have been something so much more, something real.
Kinda scary isn't it?
What would we tell our friends?
They would be horrified!

Perhaps it was never meant to be.
Next time, if I ever see you,
I'm not sure if I will give you a  big wet kiss,
Or squint at you, 
And kick you in the balls.

The fact of the matter is that you are too bluntly honest,
And tactlessly to the point of making poor judgement calls,
by thinking that I would agree with your sadistc ways.
I felt bad for the girls you were dating.
It's just horrible what you've subjected them through.
And I honestly don't want to be one of your toys.

Perhaps I too, am the same as you.  Doing the same.
Taunting you endlessly with silliness and immaturity.
I can't help myself.
When I'm bored, there's no stopping me.
It's too bad we don't see in each other,
the stability we're looking for in a partner.

The root of the matter is that  "I don't trust you" 
and "You probably don't trust me".
This is why you and I can't stop playing games.
Although, nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing you squirm or giggle.

It is not because you are dishonest, it is just how you roll.
For the years that I've known you,
It always seemed that when you are with a new person,
You were always looking back at the past,
But at the same time, scheduling in the next girl in line.
It's no wonder why you are always screwing up with the girl you were with.
And it is the very reason why I never seem to want to be that girl in your presence.

I can't say I'm perfect either, 
Cause I'm probably just as bad.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger ...

Dear Lucifer,

Sorry about the unfortunate event the other day.
You know I'm trouble,
Why the heck did you leave your 3-some girl with me and Dancing-D to babysit?
We women need to stick together and warn ourselves of the danger around the corner.

Well, if was meant to be,
This will make you guys stronger,
Thanks to me.
Good luck!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Dear Lucifer,

When I get back to the West,
I'm going to come over,
Eat your blueberries,
Sleep in your bed,
And steal your little lamp.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Chapter Two -2.3 Boy-toys and Pricks ~ Brainy Brunette isn't so brainy at all...

Dear Brainy brunette,

Poor you.  
Are you happy now?
Heart broken?
Kicking yourself in the ass?

Writing me poetry isn't going to bring me back. 

I gave you my number, not him. 
Why the heck did you share my number with your beautiful blue eyed blonde friend?

He contacted me immediately,
And wanted to see me the next day. 
This guy is a fuckin ten,
The ultimate boy toy.

At first I was just planning to play with his beautiful body,
But the more we spoke, the more I found out that I've won the jackpot!
The Darn guy is a ten in intelligent, good looks, manners and taste.

There is no competition, hands down. 
Now I'm his girl and you are writing poetry to me..

Are you happy now?
At least you got some good kisses from me before you got dizzy from them and fell into the bushes.

Chapter Two -2.4 Boy-toys and Pricks ~ Love poem from my brainy brunette

Pink Lily

Walking in rain .. wet my face, nature's cool embrace
Take refuge now in a construct of man's dry ambiance
Black and bold the price paid .. to hold, in my hand
A heart beating, pulse fleeting, darkness bitter bite

Down at the bottom .. now; I sit having drunk from a cup
Hard at the bottom .. now; all I can do is to look up

I see a face there .. hot black spilling down my neck
Living through life so long with pains of no regret
A flower plucked in beauty smiling watch wither
the soft petal unfolding .. falling .. down.

Grace at the bottom .. now; a flower's time fades

Friday, July 15, 2011

Chapter Two -2.5 Boy-toys and Pricks ~ Competition

Dear Lucifer,

Something weird is going on.
I am dating two guys and they are friends.
I think the bastards are competing for me.
Have you had that experience?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chapter Three - 3.4 The Lucifer Series ~ Ms. Piggy, I'm sorry...

Dear Ms. Piggy,

I am truly sorry that I hurt your feelings, yet again.
You are born in the year of a pig,
I am born in the year of a tiger.
Tigers loves eating pigs.

I don't know why I keep biting you every once in a while. 
Mean spiritedness is not even in my nature. 
I'm toxic for you Ms. Piggy, sorry. 

I know, there's no excuses,
But even if I tried to be authentic, 
It still comes out wrong, in particularly with you. 
It must be in my nature, 
I love biting and eating pigs. 

PS - 

Don't even try getting even with me by seducing Lucifer. 
He's a Tiger too and pig roasting is his specialty.
And before he eats you,
He'll roast you up in his gourmet oven,
Place you in a shiny platter,
Decorated with parsley and cherry tomatoes. 
Then, he won't even eat you cause he's already moved on to his next dish.