Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Grass is always greener on the other side

Dear Lucifer,

It's too bad we were never able to truly open up.
What a waste, the attraction between us was amazing, wasn't it?
You've even made out with me after I had a mouth full of stitches.
It could have been something so much more, something real.
Kinda scary isn't it?
What would we tell our friends?
They would be horrified!

Perhaps it was never meant to be.
Next time, if I ever see you,
I'm not sure if I will give you a  big wet kiss,
Or squint at you, 
And kick you in the balls.

The fact of the matter is that you are too bluntly honest,
And tactlessly to the point of making poor judgement calls,
by thinking that I would agree with your sadistc ways.
I felt bad for the girls you were dating.
It's just horrible what you've subjected them through.
And I honestly don't want to be one of your toys.

Perhaps I too, am the same as you.  Doing the same.
Taunting you endlessly with silliness and immaturity.
I can't help myself.
When I'm bored, there's no stopping me.
It's too bad we don't see in each other,
the stability we're looking for in a partner.

The root of the matter is that  "I don't trust you" 
and "You probably don't trust me".
This is why you and I can't stop playing games.
Although, nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing you squirm or giggle.

It is not because you are dishonest, it is just how you roll.
For the years that I've known you,
It always seemed that when you are with a new person,
You were always looking back at the past,
But at the same time, scheduling in the next girl in line.
It's no wonder why you are always screwing up with the girl you were with.
And it is the very reason why I never seem to want to be that girl in your presence.

I can't say I'm perfect either, 
Cause I'm probably just as bad.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger ...

Dear Lucifer,

Sorry about the unfortunate event the other day.
You know I'm trouble,
Why the heck did you leave your 3-some girl with me and Dancing-D to babysit?
We women need to stick together and warn ourselves of the danger around the corner.

Well, if was meant to be,
This will make you guys stronger,
Thanks to me.
Good luck!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Dear Lucifer,

When I get back to the West,
I'm going to come over,
Eat your blueberries,
Sleep in your bed,
And steal your little lamp.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Chapter Two -2.3 Boy-toys and Pricks ~ Brainy Brunette isn't so brainy at all...

Dear Brainy brunette,

Poor you.  
Are you happy now?
Heart broken?
Kicking yourself in the ass?

Writing me poetry isn't going to bring me back. 

I gave you my number, not him. 
Why the heck did you share my number with your beautiful blue eyed blonde friend?

He contacted me immediately,
And wanted to see me the next day. 
This guy is a fuckin ten,
The ultimate boy toy.

At first I was just planning to play with his beautiful body,
But the more we spoke, the more I found out that I've won the jackpot!
The Darn guy is a ten in intelligent, good looks, manners and taste.

There is no competition, hands down. 
Now I'm his girl and you are writing poetry to me..

Are you happy now?
At least you got some good kisses from me before you got dizzy from them and fell into the bushes.

Chapter Two -2.4 Boy-toys and Pricks ~ Love poem from my brainy brunette

Pink Lily

Walking in rain .. wet my face, nature's cool embrace
Take refuge now in a construct of man's dry ambiance
Black and bold the price paid .. to hold, in my hand
A heart beating, pulse fleeting, darkness bitter bite

Down at the bottom .. now; I sit having drunk from a cup
Hard at the bottom .. now; all I can do is to look up

I see a face there .. hot black spilling down my neck
Living through life so long with pains of no regret
A flower plucked in beauty smiling watch wither
the soft petal unfolding .. falling .. down.

Grace at the bottom .. now; a flower's time fades

Friday, July 15, 2011

Chapter Two -2.5 Boy-toys and Pricks ~ Competition

Dear Lucifer,

Something weird is going on.
I am dating two guys and they are friends.
I think the bastards are competing for me.
Have you had that experience?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chapter Three - 3.4 The Lucifer Series ~ Ms. Piggy, I'm sorry...

Dear Ms. Piggy,

I am truly sorry that I hurt your feelings, yet again.
You are born in the year of a pig,
I am born in the year of a tiger.
Tigers loves eating pigs.

I don't know why I keep biting you every once in a while. 
Mean spiritedness is not even in my nature. 
I'm toxic for you Ms. Piggy, sorry. 

I know, there's no excuses,
But even if I tried to be authentic, 
It still comes out wrong, in particularly with you. 
It must be in my nature, 
I love biting and eating pigs. 

PS - 

Don't even try getting even with me by seducing Lucifer. 
He's a Tiger too and pig roasting is his specialty.
And before he eats you,
He'll roast you up in his gourmet oven,
Place you in a shiny platter,
Decorated with parsley and cherry tomatoes. 
Then, he won't even eat you cause he's already moved on to his next dish.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chapter Three - 3.3 The Lucifer Series ~ Inflection Point

Dear Lucifer,

By the time you read this letter, I will be far away.  
I'm sorry it had to end this way. 
Like I said, we have a love hate thingy.  

Perhaps it's only me, I love and hate you at the same time. 
I can't seem to make up my mind.
It's like there is a constant struggle of the opposites. 

I know, I took cheap shots at you. 
I'm immature.  But I can't help to think what a perfect piece of literature that was. 
I probably have a mental age of 16 and I can't seemed to change that.
You should know by now that I am trouble. 
And you need to stay away, no matter what. 

Looks like our lives are going off on a tangent now. 
You are in a boring, but soon to be serious relationship. 
If my calculations are correct, marriage for you and your girl will be next year!
Like I said, if she is the one, at our age, you get hitched within 6 months. 

As for me, I have a 6 ft 3 platinum blonde, a brainy brunette and a yummy Thai boy toy that's all vying for my attention.   Plus there's Lucifasian, who I've been hanging out with the most and is probably closer to a perfect match than my toys.  Tennis, Rollerblading, Piano lessons...etc...and the list goes on.  Hopefully, he doesn't realize that we're a match until I finished playing with all the toys.  Lol. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Chapter Three - 3.2 The Lucifer Series ~ How can you fall in love with me if I'm always leaving town?


The answer is: You are incapable of loving another person.

If one day should you find your perfect match, you will probably screw her over for skank in mini-shirt that walks by.

If she's a possessive bitch who can keep you on a leash, you'll propose to her.

If she chooses someone else over you, you run after her like she's made a horrible decision.

I don't know what your trying to prove or compensate for... by always exerting your machismo on me and every woman you meet every minute possible.

Does it ever come to your mind that your sexual bravado is unnecessary or even secondary to a happy love life? If sex is that important, why feel like you should settle down? Don't ever settle down, have a stupid and easy girl a couple of days a week.

In any case, the type of girl that you think would satisfy you physically is probably either boring, stupid, easy or just desparate for your attention. It's kinda sad.

So, how long have you've been looking for your "perfect match"?

Like over five (5) years now?

Between you, Randoff and the Beaver...plus all my new boytoys... you guys have already dated the entire Vancouver population. Why haven't you found that "one", you big loser? It's because if you even met her, she'd be so scared she'd run off. And then she'll sleep with the Beaver.

Then you have to go play "games" with me and use stupid tricks that the Beaver taught you. How lame. You are a lame duck.

I'm sick of your games and jealous drama.

Again, How can you fall in love with me if I'm always leaving town?

You fall in love with every skank you meet, everyday. Your love is cheap, but mine isn't.

You better watch it. My dark side is coming out now and I am going to have so much fun with you and all the boys in town....

Just remember this. Whatever you did with Boobies years back, I'd do the same with the Beaver. Just for fun.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Chapter Two - 2.6 Boytoys and Pricks ~ A Date with Prince William

Recently, I met Korean gentlemen,
with an UK accent,
@ an Online dating site.

An Asian man with an UK accent!
That’s one in a thousand!

When we met for the first time,
I thought to myself...
we have lots in common,
and he has the perfect resume
(Perfect age, MBA, Never married, No Kids,
Owns his own place, Family oriented,
Wanted to get hitch soon, etc...).

Furthermore, he was so excited to meet with me...
He even hinted that I should stop dating other people.

Let’s call him...William
(as in my potential Prince William)

On our first date,
we spent a couple hours walking the seawall.
There were good communication vibe from him.
He’s not bad looking.
Plus...He even sings and plays the guitar!

After our walk, it was getting late.
He had an interesting suggestion.
William wanted to quickly drive home,
call me on the phone
and sing to me before ending the night.

I thought that this was weird,
but sweet.
So yes, at 11:30pm he called to “serenade me” to sleep.

The next day, William asked me on a second date,
A bike ride around Stanley Park, on a late afternoon.

Throughout our ride,
he was excited to tell me about the various good deals,
that he stumbled upon online.

• A mountain bike worth $500,
He purchased for only $150
• $200 Rollerblades,
He bargained down to $120
• Plus other the endless savings

After our bike ride,
he asked me what my plans were for the evening was.
I told him I was going to grab a bite to eat.
He then asked me if I was going to cook.
I responded “No”.

Then, I thought to myself,
that if I was going to cook,
then I would be a very good “online” deal. (lol..).

Next, I told him that he is welcomed,
to join me for a bite if he liked.
William hesitated a bit,
but agreed to go along.
So, off we went to a Sushi Restaurant nearby.

At the restaurant, William did three odd things.

• First - Although I specifically told him,
what I planned to order
(seafood salad and a half futomaki roll),
he wanted me to point out the items on the menu.
(Price checking?)

• Second – He brought up a touchy topic,
especially for a 2nd date - finance & the future

Here, he declared proudly,
that he has money saved up for his wife (a wedding budget?),
money saved up for the kids,
money saved up for lots of rainy days…

William also added that he has purchased a home,
for his potential wife.
However, there will definitely be a “No exit” clause,
attached to the marriage or else..
Oh, was he referring to “Prenup agreement”?

• Third – I noticed that William started texting,
on his blackberry from under the table.

When I looked at him with curiosity,
he assured me that he’s was not texting,
some other girl.

And he wanted me to guess what he was doing.
I declined to guess.

And then, I thought to myself,
Well, I know exactly what he was doing,
He’s either calculating the tips,
or balancing his checkbook from under the table.

After we finished and left the restaurant,
William started singing to me again…in public…

So, my question to you is “Did William get a 3rd date”?
– Correct, the answer is “No”.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Chapter Three - 3.5 The Lucifer Series ~ New place, new toy.

Dear Lucifer,

I hope you're happy, you bastard.  

Anyways, can you do me a favor and stay away from me? 

I'm in a little bit of a bind now and the best thing you can do is keep as far away as you can before someone gets hurt.  Knowing your misogynistic ways, it's probably going to be me.  Bastard. 

It's almost two months now that I'm in the far east. 
Everyone is upset with me at home. 
Mom and Dad is mad at me,
Friends are upset with me, no doubt. 
I don't know how I got my self into so much trouble. 

Remember how I told you that all my keys are falling from my chains?
Well you are right, even my own apartment wants me out.  
So...I'm moving. 
I love my place, but the fact is, I have to move.  
I am temporarily moving into a bigger space. 
A temporary space goes well with a temporary boyfriend. 

I'm sick of being engaged to myself on Facebook,
So once I come back, I'm going to re-examine my list,
Lined them up and pick a boyfriend.  

You better not be in that line cause I'm gonna kick your ass!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chapter Two - 2.7 BoyToys and Pricks ~ Prince William Re-visited

My girl, Ms. Sunshine,
finally visited from Edmonton.
She organized a girls’ dinner,
A get together at the local Cactus Club.

One girl, Ms. Pretty,
who I’ve met a couple of times before,
mentioned that she met someone new recently.

However, she is still getting over this one guy,
whom she developed a relationship with,
six months ago.

They met online and he had “disappeared”,
after their fifth date.
As she recalled,
he had a perfect resume.
Good career,
doing his MBA,
owned his place,
and is an Korean man with an English accent!

However, Mr. Perfect resume started getting “busy”,
doing renovations on the weekends,
and then went on business trips.
Then, the calling then stopped.

My eyes lit up after hearing this.
I then recalled, previously, that my potential Prince William,
mentioned that he did renovations on his days off.
He even sews his own curtains.

I turned to Ms. Pretty,
and asked her if his name was William …
Because if it was,
I dumped that guy a week ago!

Ms. Pretty’s eyes lit up,
and the whole group turned toward me.
Then, I asked her if he sings?
She said “yes”.
I told her that he sang to me on the first date,
"did he sing to you too"?
She nodded.
All of us laugh.

Ms. Pretty mentioned that during their short lived relationship,
she even had to ask Prince William,
to take down his profile picture,
off the online dating site.
Prince William reluctantly complied.

To this day, Ms. Pretty was still figuring out,
what she did wrong to have Prince William,
disappeared on her like that.
She says that she did notice,
that he was very particular about
how his dishes get washed.

For instance, that spinach leaves must be picked off,
of the plate before it goes into the dish washer.

One morning, the kitchen sink plumbing broke,
while Prince William was on an early morning conference call.
William jumped up from his call
and asked Ms. Pretty to stop washing the dishes.

Eventually, William started doing renovations on the weekends,
and did not want Ms. Pretty to come over.
Finally the trip to the east (Toronto) sealed the deal
and Ms. Pretty never heard from William again.

So, what was the problem?
I believed that Ms. Pretty was too nice
and accommodating.
Although Prince William seemed like a perfect potential boyfriend,
Ms. Pretty was too quick to idealize him.

From my experience with meeting William,
he could be very skilled at trying to convince a girl,
that he's perfect for her.
Mind you, his specialty is in marketing and communications.

In my previous blog,
I may not have mentioned,
how William wanted to do all these things with me too,
Like traveling together,
moving in together,
finding someone he could connect with,
on an emotional level.

All this on the first date.
Too fast, too soon.
Anything that comes in to quickly,
runs off as quick.

My advice is too slow down,
and watch actions, not words.

If Prince William prefers to sewing his curtains
on his weekend-off than to see Ms. Pretty,
there is something wrong with that picture.
He’s just not that into her.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Chapter Three - 3.6 The Lucifer Series ~ Bangkok - Day 1,2, & 3

Dear Lucifer,

Imagine a little version of you, but as a woman in Bangkok.  What would you do?

Day 1 - Shopping at MBK then off to see Kung Fu Panda 2

Day 2 - Off to the salon...some how my hair has grown so long ...down to my buttocks.  At night, we asked the taxi cab to take us to a cabaret, but he suggested we go to see the Ping Pong sex show.  Me and little cousin said "yes".   The girls at the sex show were some what talented, but not very attractive.   We saw, everything everyone else said what we would see.  Sex acts on stage, however, me and little cousin was sitting at a corner where the guy's back and buttocks were facing us, so all we could see was the up and down movement of his ass.  I want my money back! ( just joking). Next, an older woman was blowing out candles on a birthday cake with her pussy using a straw.  That made me think of you!

Day 3 - National Museum during the day, at night, for dinner ... Bed Supper Club with circus soleil dancers.   By 10pm, we are off to see girls at the Hot Go-Go bar where my buddy, Odin, purchased the hottest go go girl on the stage for me and little cousin.  Next, we head over to the lady boy merry-go-round club with our Hot Go-Go girl.  We drank, laughed and watch Odin squirm while beautiful lady boys tries to grab his groin.  He couldn't even go to the can cause some of the girls would try to grab him when he pees lol

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chapter Four - 4.4 The Lucifer Series ~ About Lucifer (yes, you!)

Since I'm relaxing on the beach,
And have lots of time on my hands,
I will poke fun at you,
With what I know about you. 

You, Lucifer, are not interested in women of the Western world,
And let's say you hypothetically are,
You are of the average Asian height,
Most western girls will tower above you with their stilettos. 

And a man with a large ego as yours,
Is not interested in the amazon women. 
So most successful models and actresses are out...
Unless you want to play.

You want a real intelligent women,
With wits, depth and culture equivalent to your own,
One that has a passion for the arts,
Humor that will brighten your days,
Especially for a perfectionist like you,
You'll probably work yourself to death. 

You won't settle for a trophy wife,
But she needs to look no less than a prize. 

You've worked hard to get where you are,
So you expect the same from your partner. 

One who is independent and low maintenance,
A bit of a brat, a challenge.
One you can discipline when she is bad. 
One who is loyal only to you,
One who worships your body, your mind,
and everything you stand for. 

You are not interested in a gal who carries around their LV bags,
Especially those who can hardly afford that type of luxury,
nor those whose their sugar daddy bought the bag for them.

Nor those with little puppies running around disrupting your work,
Pooping on your wooden floors,
Disturbing your peace.

You've tried, but you've accept who you are as a person. 
A perfectionist a work and at home is one in the same. 

It is not your fault,
You honestly are looking for something real. 
Love in it's purest form,
Love, unconditional.

Chapter Four - 4.3.2 Lucifer Series ~ Turning Point

Dear Lucifer,

Here is my recollection of what had happened ...

Throughout our secret platonic affairs,
We would play hide and seek.
I would take off to some remote locations,
For work or pleasure,
And tell you to come with,
Or else...

You would give some lame excuse about having to work,
And I then find myself a replacement boy toy.
You'd get drunk and hook up with a temporary lame chick,
As expected.

In any initial affair, 
within the first two months,
An inevitable event is bound to happen.
The ex always shows up,
And ruins it for both of you.

So, my question is...
Did she see my origami flowers?
Did she cried her eye balls off?

If you were a pro, 
you would have stuffed the flowers,
Into your closet.
And you would have saved her some pain and suffering.

Knowing you,
You're as sick as a dog,
Didn't pay attention,
She noticed the bouquet,
Threw it to the ground.

She then realized,
Being the prick you really are,
You've Already moved on to the next bitch.
Was it really love?
If it was,
Why aren't you with her now?

Answer: Even in love, if there were any doubts about being together, it's best to be a part. If you truly want to be with her, you will, regardless.

Chapter Four - 4.3 The Lucifer Series ~ All the signs are there ...


I am still very angry at you,
For not realizing that we are meant to be.

All the signs are there,
I am number eleven (11),
You are number thirteen (13).

Eleven (11) reduces to Two (2),
That is, in numerology, you add the ones(1's) together to get two (2).
This is my year, 2011. 
And my real name is "Tu"

Thirteen (13) reduces to four (4).
You are bad luck in the Western world,13
And you are also bad luck in the Eastern world,4

It is unfortunate that you are drawn to the Asian girl,
Because you are number 4, 
Even your suite #204, ends with the number four (4). 
All the mums and dads of the eastern world should lock their daughters up, when you come around.

And when you do caught one of these innocent girls from the east,
They think they are getting the typical four(4) inch,
Which should be proportionate to your height. 
You stab them with what appears to be two (2) x four (4) = eight (8) inch.  And you make them cry. 

When I say "all the signs are there",
I don't think it is a coincidence. 
I told you that you are bad luck, 
Even your birthdate land on the 13th day. 

I was just going to kiss you and run off to Washington DC. 
Then on my flight there, they seated me in seat #13f. 
When I checked into my hotel, they put me in room #213
When I went to see "My Ideal Husband", the play,
They attempted to sell me seat #13D
I demanded to switch to another seat,coincidentally, seat #11,
And they scolded me for sneaking in and eating chocolate almond!
Perhaps I should have stuck with seat #13.

On my final day at Washington DC,
I went to the Holocaust museum,
And when I walked in through those doors,
There you were again, the first venue, 
a sign above the doors in big letters,
"The Story of (your name)". 

Chapter Four - 4.3.1 - Soup for my Soul?

For the next few weeks, 
we started seeing each other, 

I would come visit him, 
with soup in hand, 
while he was sick from the flu.

Somehow, I just had the feeling,
That he won't try anything funny on me,
Especially, when he was sick.

The idea of bringing soup in hand,
Is like bringing an offering to a beast.
I'm taking care of you,
Please don't eat me.

Then, I would disrobe and sleep in his bed,
Knowing, he won't try anything funny on me cause,
He's either too sick to perform properly,
Or is probably thinking he shouldn't be eating me,
The forbidden fruit.

Plus, if I really wanted him to eat me,
I would have shaved my pussy. Lol.

I'm just delighted that nothing happened,
It just makes it much more memorable and worth while.

On the other hand, 
I have a funny feeling,
What his pea brain is thinking,
That I would feel some how "rejected",
by the absence of his advances.

Why would I feel that way?
Am I insecure about my body?
Do I worry about not being wanted, 
physically, by a man?
Heck no! 
Resistance and Discipline is so sexy.

The only prick,
that would think this way,
About a woman,
Is one that surrounds himself
With these type of girls.

Somehow, he's underestimated me,
Like all the insecure shank he's dated.
He thinks I'm offended by him for not eating me.

How sad is that?

Chapter Four - 4.2.2 The Lucifer Series ~ The Sandwich

As we wandered through the gallery,
Boobies and I approached a craft table,
which encouraged the public to doodle on the surface.  

As I began my doodling,
I felt someone brushing against me.  
This was not the sort of causal brushing,
where one accidentally passes another.

I felt hands on my waist and body against body.  
Must be Lucifer! That perv is rubbing against me.
I slowly turned around and there he was with his sneaky grin.  

Our bodies were pressed against one another,
And there was I was sandwiched between Lucifer and the table.  
I must admit I was moved by the prick.
But I'm also determined to make him my "bitch".

Anyways, as we continued to exchange words,
I informed Lucifer that I am no longer a girl.  
I am now a woman and slowly,
I raised my right hand and...grabbed him in the groin.

He was startled at first, but then smiled,
and said he likes this "new" me.  

I am not sure what happened next, or how it happened,
but I believed, I convinced him to lower his head to kiss me.  
We kissed  for a good two or three second,
and I made sure to give him a slip of my tongue.

It must have been a shocker for him.
Since having an arrogant pea brain, like his,
Lucifer is the type that can't comprehend that others,
Can be different from what he perceives them to be.

I'm sure I gave him some type of boner
And the last time I looked back,
He got too hot and had to leave the room.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chapter Four - 4.2.1 The Lucifer Series ~ Boobies warns "Lucifer will be at Tinseltown again"

Lucifer will be at Tinseltown again

It's been almost over a year.
The thought of seeing Lucifer again,
Makes me gag.

Everytime I see him,
He annoys me to death,
And I want to kick him in the balls.

Now, this will be the third time,
Where Boobies and I would have bump into him, again,
At the same location,
looking at art.  

As always, I assure you,
this prick will open his mouth,
Say something inappropriate,
And I will surely either kick him in the balls....
or give him the kiss of death. 

When we arrived, there he was.
Right smack in the centre of the room,
was Lucifer with an acquaintance.

There was nowhere else to move,
And so it seemed the crowd pushing me,
Closer, towards the centre of the room.

As I came closer,
he turned and looked down at me.
I was ready to kick him where it really hurts.
But then...I saw his face, something was different.  
Nose was straighter,
Jaw bones more manly and defined.  

Okay, I have to admit,
The prick was more handsome than before,
And I couldn't force myself to kick him,
Cause I was distracted by his new found good looks.

We exchanged a few words.
I asked him if he was in any form of a relationship.
His response wasthat the only type of relationship,
He's in is one with himself.  

I peered at him and uttered "player" to his face.
I then moved on with Marcella,
leaving Boobies behind to chit chat with him. 

Chapter Four - 4.1 The Lucifer Series ~ The Beginning

How we've met: online lava life

Where he found you: plenty of fish

How did that happened?:you create a profile on lava life that redirects the boys to go to plenty of fishy

Reason: what silly girl pays to be found geezzz plus lava life is hard to navigate.

How he messaged u: He explained that he had to create a whole new profile on plenty of fish to message you. gosh, u must be pretty cute then!

What u saw: you saw a lame picture of him lying on a sports car with his shirt unbuttoned (gay Italian dude) and another picture with him in a suit. Now that's better. 

How you met in person: both agree to meet in yaletown for drinks. 

As you browse through the photos online, you noticed a silly girl, but cute, kissing a Lollipop. Then you think to yourself, how are you going to compete with that?

Next, some weird looking guy messages you. He looks like a Hapa man sitting on a quitted couch. Hmmm, this guy must live in his mum's basement.  Skip. 

On the second date, you both meet at Hapa izakyza near by his place. At the table, he tells you that you are the most beautiful girl in the room.  Dinner was great. Before both of you depart, he demands a kiss from you. You give him a peck on the lips and he smiles with a corky satisfaction. 

On the third date, you drove pass his building to look for parking. As you drove by, you see him stepping out the door way as he waits you. He looks to the side at a rose bush and then bends over to smell a rose. You caught him in action and sent a txt to him. "I saw u smelling roses at the front door".  He texted back denying the whole thing. lol

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chapter One - 1.1 Kingdom of Ryco-chai and Ikotron ~ The Beginning

My name is Stella and I worked in the Kingdom of Ryco-chai. The Kingdom of Ryco-chai is the western child branch of our mother kingdom, Rycho-japchai, which resides in the far eastern continent of Asia. Our western kingdom is separated by a mystic ocean called the Pacifica. Ryco-chai recently conquered another great kingdom, called the kingdom of Ikotron.

The kingdom of Rycochai stands for peace, good peasant living and quality craftsmanship. Ikotron’s kingdom on the other hand has thrived for years relying on young blood, the strong and ambitious. Ikontron thirst for power and has a reputation for ruthlessness.

Our mother kingdom, Ryco-japchai is composed of dozens of subsidiary kingdoms that spans across all the continents. Our western kingdom has conquered Ikontron in the previous year, the year 1010. Over the past decades Ryco-japchai has fought and won many wars. The Salvin war, the Linary war and captured many small tribes throughout the Land of the North.

The recent merger of the two kingdoms into one resulted in clashed culture, values and violent outburst. It’s killing our western land. There are trails of casualties in the hundreds and thousands. Recently, the towns of Edmonds where farmers and scribes reside were left without homes. Even worse, the war broke out when the great recession emerged and it came in waves, like the waves of the plaques spreading far and wide.

The amalgamation strategies developed by the emperor of Ryco-japchai was ingenious. Imagine this, when you merge two civilizations, separated by ranks. Both form a hierarchal triangle with the king of the two clan at the top. One hierarchy of the original breed (the reds), and the other of a new breed (the blacks), and of equal ranks, who is to say one red knight is equal or better than a black knight? No one knows and if one is to determine by medals attained or by years of service, this would take decades to navigate down the rank of two civilizations. Emperor Ryco-japchai decided that in order to restore stability and peace, he will promote the ranks of the black knights from Ikotron above the red knights on every level at the kingdom of Rycho-chai. This will subdue the fear of massive recession, which is inevitable. In addition to that, the Black knights will have to prove their superiority to the reds in order to retain their priviledged positions.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chapter Two - 2.1 The Egyptian Kingdom

I remembered working in the Egyptian kingdom a decade ago. I had fond memories working there as an architect after I received my scroll of bachelor achievement and then being promoted to a manager of the architects.

Throughout my stay at the Egyptian kingdom, I'd fallen in love with a knight that was just passing through. This knight is not of Egyptian descendent, but is born of a pure blood, of Roman descent. He was a charismatic, witty, intelligent and somewhat handsome. However, he was a dirty knight, somewhat promiscuous, so I avoided him like the plague. One day, I disclosed to my knight that I am in awed with him. He then offered to temporarily take me to a place called ecstasy, but I had refused.

During my stay, I recalled making the Egyptian king weep as he mentioned my service and dedication to the kingdom. A year later, I left Egyptian kingdom as this incident has made social classes of many levels very angry at me.

Now, I am left staring at this golden Egyptian pendant that was given to me by a mix-breed merchant. I believe it is cursed because every time I wear it, I get a string of bad luck. I'm not sure what to do with it...melt it down and re-mode it? It is a beautiful pendant, but yellow gold is not my forte. I know, I should not be complaining as I am only a low level maiden.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chapter Three - 3.1 Our Bloodline

I am ill, sad, heart broken and joyful at the same time. These emotions are overwhelming. My memory is relapsing, then fading. It's time again for me to fade away into nothingness and escape...

I have heard news from the witch doctor that the blood that flows through my veins have mutated over generations. I am not normal now, nor I have ever been. Apparently, my ancestors have angered the Gods of Haema and our family have been cursed. In order to continue our ancestral bloodline I must marry a knight of pure blood.

There are four major clans in our world, which made up of all races, however, the majority of us are from the Mediterranean (in particularly Maldives and Cyprus), Arabs and Asian land. The four clans are as follows:

• the pure blood clan
• the alpha- clan
• the beta- clan
• and delta- clan

I am part of the alpha- clan. Wonder if this is the reason for my alpha-A personality type.

Since I am to find a knight of pure blood, I consulted with the oracle and this is what he suggest...

Pure blood knights are mostly found Northern Europe and least found in Africa. I am also to avoid any encounters with Egyptian kings, residing in Beja, Hadendoa, Sa'idi and also, those from the Nile Delta and Red Sea Hill region.

On a positive note, the curse is also a blessing. Apparently, our people have a special trait which protects us from diseases like malaria, anemia and disease of the heart. I honestly don't believe the latter portion as I believe my heart is as good as broken.

Overall, the benefit of belonging to the clan is one reason why our clan is still so prevalent, giving it's survival advantage.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chapter Four - 4.1 The Wooden Bed

I'm oh so in love...with this bed. It's a beautiful wooden canapé bed. I am mesmerized my it's large trunks twisting upwards to the ceiling. I'm sure it is made of an auburn dark wood. The mattress is elevated higher than any another bed, so I feel like a child if I was to climb on that bed.

I've been dreaming about lying in it, rolling around it and jumping on the bed. However, there is a sneaky prince guarding this bed, so I am afraid to approach it.

I know, I know, I should lay in my own bed. It's just a simple bed with no headboard and comfy mattresses on metal bars. A year ago, I found out that my metal bed have been scratching my beautiful wooden floors. Boo.

Did you know when one starts thinking about buying new beds, it signifies something... Something new in life...a wedding, marriage? A bed is an huge long term investment and when one buys a new bed, it is usually a couple that is building a new life together.

At one point, I believe I was thinking about buying this bed from the sneaky prince. However, I know it's a dirty, dirty bed and the sneaky prince probably has hundreds of maidens rolling around in this bed.

I am appalled that I am still dreaming about this bed knowing it's history. Yuck!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chapter Five - 5.1 Dinner with the Chief

My journey to the Land of Promiscuous (Las Vegas), was an interesting one. There were sights to see and places to be. I had planned to go to the Merchant Lamplighter Show (MLS) and the Promiscuous Entertainers Market (PEM). I know, I know, a proper lady shouldn't be going to these types of places. Well, I honestly don't care and I want to check out what's all the fuss is about with the PEM show. It's definitely "taboo" for any "proper" woman to be at. If I could split me into two person with a 1 year age gap. The younger me would stare the older me down with cold, sharp arrows of judgment.

Every year merchants around the world would tell the boss and wives that they will be attending the Merchant Lamplighter Show (MLS) which showcased the latest gadgets and slip off to see the Promiscuous Entertainers Market (PEM) next door.

On the first night, I had dinner with my mentor, the Chief of New Architect. When the host arrived to meet us, he shook hands with my mentor and turned to me and says "Aren't you a cute little thing". I was in my black work gown! How dare him!

The funny thing is that my mentor is only 2 years older than me, but being a descendent of the white race and the fact that he is a workaholic, he looked 10-15 years older than he actually is. While I apparently to the untrained eye may appear to be 10 years younger to some. Odd isn't it?

The next day, I bid my mentor goodbye as he returned to the Land of Home. I then ventured out to the Promiscuous Entertainers Market (PEM).

Monday, February 21, 2011

Chapter Six - 6.1 Robert the Great, the Chief Knight (aka Dark Knight) is visiting the Western Castle again…

I’ve started to feel like a little maiden working in a Kingdom. Our kingdom has just conquered another kingdom and our population has tripled to 2100 civilians across our little land.
Within this Kingdom, I’ve been fantasizing about my knight. He is the Dark Knight, 3rd in command to the King and so damn sexy!!! Man, how I’ve been dreaming of seducing him for years.

All these times, I have been good and going on doing my daily chores. With some hard work and studying, the kingdom has promoted me to manager of the architects.
Okay, now back to Robert the Great. It all started in the winter of early January 1011 when I was granted time off to go to the Land of Promiscuous (Las Vegas). Through the grape vines, I heard that the Chief Knight and my mentor, Chief of New Architect will also be there, meeting with the Kingdom of BlueBerry.

In an instance, I was excited and wrote a letter to my mentor, Chief of New Architect to tell him that I too was going to be presence and if I may have permission to accompany him and the Dark Knight. My mentor agreed and my adventure started…

The Land of Promiscuous was an interesting land. Civilians from all over the country and in particularly, merchant men often travelled far and wide to reach this land for rest and relaxation. I was lucky enough to join a band of Asian merchants traveling towards this land. It was uncommon for a young woman like me to travel with men (as we know how dangerous and ungentlemanly they may be), however, I am a new renaissance woman. Sort of a Joan of Arc … I will stand up against the crude judgment of others and reveal all truth to these anal pricks.

When I arrived to meet my mentor, Chief of New Architect, he greeted me at my lodge and as we walked through the cobbled stone road, he told stories of his short stay. Some woman has offered him a two-for-one deal (that is two maiden-servants for the price of one). The price was five hundred gold pieces. His response was I don’t think my wife would like that very much. I then inquired about the Dark Knight and my mentor’s response was that Robert the Great is not visiting the Land of Promiscuous. He has re-married and his new wife would kill him. Saddened, I accepted my fate that I will not be able seduce Robert the Great.